New LCMS Congregation in South Carolina Listed: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Charleston, SC.
New Congregation Listed: Ascension Lutheran Church in Madison, TN (Nashville area)!
Two New Congregations from Arkansas Added!
Another New Congregation Listed: Advent Evangelical Lutheran Church, Zionsville, IN
New Congregation Added: Immanuel Lutheran Church, Clovis, NM
Important Issues Etc. Episode on Covid 19 Vaccines. Guest: Dr. Peter McCullough.
Henkel Conference
Congregation in New Mexico Listed!
New Congregation in Virginia listed!
New Texas Congregation Listed!
New Congregation Listed: Salem Lutheran Church, Taylorsville, NC.
Marriage & Family Conference, Cole Camp, MO, April 22-23, 2022
New Congregation Listed: Trinity Lutheran, Cole Camp, MO!
New Congregation Listed from Minnesota North District!
Welcome to Trinity Lutheran Church, Boulder Junction, WI!
Welcome to Resurrection Lutheran from the Texas District!
New Congregation from Mississippi Added!
New Congregation from Montana Added!
New Congregation from Missouri Added
New Congregation Added
Thanks for your interest in Confessional Congregation Finder in the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. I will respond to any kind inquiries or constructive critiques. If you would like to apply for a congregational listing, please go to the apply page. I will get back to you soon!